Vivek Mahato

Real-time Machine Learning in Manufacturing

Mr. Mahato’s Ph.D. research is about adopting machine learning techniques into a manufacturing domain. He considers a particular category of time-series regression, which is typical in a production environment, but the current literature presents a limitation of readily available tools to address this problem. He intends to utilize data generated during a process of manufacturing and extracting possible patterns and anomalies for exploratory analysis or performing a particular regression or classification task to predict a quality measure. The current state-of-the-art is using agglomerative statistical metrics to summarize the data for the study, but he is motivated to use the raw time-series data directly, for he believes that such summaries discard valuable insights from the data that is required for a cogent analysis or monitoring of the process.

Prof. Pádraig Cunningham
Research Group: 
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre